

The Religious Studies Department describes, analyzes, and interprets the developments, worldviews, and practices of religions in an academic manner. Through research and teaching, we seek to enhance understanding of the ways religion as a global phenomenon impacts different spheres of life. We equip students with the knowledge to become active and engaged citizens working in a variety of careers.


  • Offer classes that explore world’s religions in an inclusive environment with a global perspective using relevant High Impact Practices (HIPs).
  • Provide supportive environment for timely graduation through accessible class offerings and effective advisement.
  • Recruit and support high quality and diverse faculty whose research and teaching contribute to an understanding of the varieties of religious thought, experience, and impact on contemporary society.
  • Pursue resources to facilitate effective and continuous support for our students, faculty, and department activities.


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to describe the developments, worldviews, and practices of religions in an academic manner.

2. Students will be able to write and orally present well-organized critical and analytical research projects related to the study of religion.

3. Students will be able to evaluate the significance of how differing religious worldviews and religious trends affect their communities.

4. Students will be able to express an understanding of the ways religion as a global phenomenon impacts different spheres of life. 

Why would someone decide to major in religion at a state university?

The academic study of religion (known as religious studies or comparative religion) has been an established major at many public universities since the 1960s. In the post-World War II era, it became clear to scholars that religion needed to be studied academically because of its powerful influence on the lives of so many millions of people. This conviction has been reinforced by the growing cultural and religious diversity of American society. In fact, religion is too important not to be studied, for it affects international relations, U.S. politics and ethical controversies.

In our increasingly multi-cultural and multi-religious nation, an understanding of the religious beliefs and practices of the children we teach, the clients we advise or the people with whom we work is very important.

Diverse and Talented Faculty—Our faculty have a wide range of backgrounds and training which enables the department to offer in-depth courses in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Native American Spirituality. All have written books or scholarly articles in their respective areas, and several are consulted by government, the media or business leaders for their views on how religion influences society.

Availability of Faculty—Because our faculty members are student–centered and the department is small, we are able to provide in-depth advisement and frequent opportunities for faculty-student interaction.

Flexible Offerings—The department offers a wide range of courses in the late afternoon (4-6:45) and evening (7-9:45) that enable the working student to finish degree requirements in a timely manner.

What sorts of courses do Religious Studies majors take?

As the name of the department implies, we stress a comparative approach to the study of religion. Students must take some coursework in all of the world’s major religious traditions and must do so with an awareness of the interactions among the world’s religions, e.g., how Judaism influenced Christianity or Hinduism influenced Buddhism. Besides courses in the various religions, our majors take courses that examine the intersection of religion with other spheres of life, such as politics or the media, or that analyze religion from the perspective of philosophy or the social sciences.    

What can I do with a degree in religion?

As with such fields as philosophy, history or English literature, the religion degree offers a broad training in the liberal arts as a preparation for eventual careers in such fields as law, education, counseling, and social work. Of course, it is an ideal background for graduate study in religion/religious studies for those who wish to teach at the university level. The religion major is also an excellent background for seminary studies leading to a career in the religious ministry. Even without further study, it opens up possibilities for teaching in parochial schools and church, synagogue, mosque or temple religious education programs.