Jewish Studies Minor (18 units)
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In completing the requirements for a minor, a minimum of 12 units, of which at least six must be upper-division, must be distinct and different from the units used to complete the requirements of the major or other minor.
Students minoring in Jewish studies are required to take 18 units, distributed as follows:
Required Courses (12 units)
RLST 100 - Introduction to the Study of Religion (3)
RLST 210 - Introduction to Judaism (3)
RLST 361 - History and Development of Jewish Thought: Biblical and Rabbinical Eras (3)
RLST 362 - History and Development of Jewish Thought: Medieval and Modern Eras (3)
Elective Courses (6 units)
RLST 312 - The Bible as Literature (3) or
CPLT 312 - The Bible as Literature (3)
RLST 321 - Psychology of Religion (3)
RLST 330T - Hebrew Scriptural Studies (3)
RLST 333 - Religion and Sexuality (3)
RLST 375 - Conceptions of the Afterlife (3)
RLST 380 - Religion and Violence (3)
RLST 381 - Religion and Politics in the United States (3)
RLST 400 - Religion, the Media and Contemporary Culture (3)
RLST 412C - History of the Jews (3) or
HIST 412C - History of the Jews (3)
RLST 435A - The Holocaust (3) or
HIST 435A - The Holocaust (3)
SOCI 458 - Sociology of Religious Behavior (3)
HIST 467A - The Middle East in the 19th Century (3)
HIST 467B - Contemporary Middle East History (3)
HIST 468A - Women and Gender in Middle East History (3)
HIST 468B - Making the Medieval Middle East (3)